Barbara Wahl

Professor of Mathematics & Computer Science

Barbara Wahl


– Computer Science Principles
– Fundamentals of Computer Science
– Algorithmic Analysis
– Basic Mathematics for Science
– Essential Precalculus
– Calculus I
– Logic, Sets and Relations
– Applied Statistics

Learn more about Dr. Wahl

Professor Wahl has been at Hanover since 1993. She previously taught at Sonoma State University in California.

Her current research activity centers around the PanthR project (in collaboration with Haris Skiadas and Bill Altermatt), which will be an open-source freely available statistical analysis tool, running in the web browser. See: 

She frequently teaches courses in applied statistics, data structures, computer algorithms, discrete mathematics, and theory of computation, among others. In her spare moments, she enjoys being crafty (knitting, sewing, quilting), cooking ethnic food (Indian, Thai, Korean, Mexican, Italian), choral singing, gardening, camping, and rooting for the University of Michigan athletic teams.


B.S. in mathematics and computer science, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor

M.S. in computer science, University of Louisville

Ph.D. in mathematics, University of Texas at Austin


Gasparis, I., E. Odell, and B. Wahl, Weakly Null Sequences in the Banach Space C(K), Proceedings of the V Conference on Banach Spaces, 13-17 September 2004, Cáceres (Spain), London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes Ser., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Jesús M. F. Castillo and Wiliam B. Johnson (eds.)

Current Projects (

  – PanthR: an open-source freely available statistical analysis tool, running in the web browser (with C. Skiadas)

  – HanoverStatsLabs: resources for both instructors and students who want to learn how to analyze data using R and RStudio (with C. Skiadas)