Stephanie Bachman

Director of Student Affairs/Clinical Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy

Stephanie Bachman


Bachman, S. (2020). The use of video in the occupational therapy graduate classroomJournal of Occupational Therapy Education, 4(3).

McCallum, C. A., Reed, R., Bachman, S. & Murray, L. (2016). A systematic review of physical therapist clinical instructor demographics and key characteristics:  Impact on student clinical education experiences.  Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 30(3), 11-20.

Bachman, S. (2016). The issue is…an evidence-based approach to treating lateral epicondylitis using the occupational adaptation model.  American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70(2), 7002360010p1-7002360010p5.

Bachman, S. (2014).  Neuroanatomy and Sensory Re-education. In N. Falkenstein & S. Weiss (Eds.), Basics and beyond: Everything you need to know; Shoulder to finger (CHT Prep Course) [CD ROM].

Bachman, S. (2013). Shoulder. In N. Falkenstein & S. Weiss (Eds.), Hand and upper extremity rehabilitation:  A quick reference guide and review (3rd ed. (pp. 421-442). St. Petersburg, FL: Exploring Hand Therapy.

Papadopoulos, E., Bachman, S. (2013). Ligamentous and muscular injuries. In N. Falkenstein & S. Weiss (Eds.), Hand and upper extremity rehabilitation:  A quick reference guide and review (3rd ed. (pp. 210-223). St. Petersburg, FL: Exploring Hand Therapy.


Bachman, S., Moyers, P., Dale, L., Santurri, L. (2023).  Entry-level occupational therapy student occupational balance: Perceptions and strategies for improvement. [Poster Presentation at the         American Occupational Therapy Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO, April, 2023].

Bachman, S., Bauman, K., DeMetro, N., Pratt, A., Tilstra, M., & Walter, A. (2019, October). Interprofessional Collaboration with Nursing, PT, and OT Students. Poster Session at 2019 Ohio Nursing Research Day, Canton, OH. 

Glenn, M., Johnson, C., Proffitt, R., Bachman, S., Hegberg, A., Mioduszewski, M. & Weaver, J. (2019). Developing professional competence: Opportunities for networking and resource 

gathering from a panel of experts. [Presentation at the American Occupational Therapy Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2019].

Bachman, S. (2017).  Making the leap:  Moving from the clinic into academia. [Poster presentation at the Ohio Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Dayton, OH, November 2017].

Bachman, S. (2017).  Transitioning from the clinic to academia:  Who should do it, how to gain experience, things to consider, and how to survive. [Presentation at the American Occupational Therapy Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, March, 2017].

Bachman, S. (2016).  Incorporating occupation into a hand therapy clinic using the occupational adaptation model.  [Poster presentation at the American Occupational Therapy Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April, 2016].

Bachman, S. A. (2014).  An evidence-based approach to evaluation and treatment of upper extremity peripheral nerve injuries.  [Presentation at the Walsh University Spring Conference for Clinical Excellence, Canton, Ohio].

Bachman, S. A. (2013).  Evidence based practice: Why it’s important and how to get started. [Presentation for the Ohio Occupational Therapy Association, Akron District meeting].

Bachman, S. A., Reed, K. R., Johnson, S.  (2000). Using Allen’s five stages with Alzheimer’s Disease.  [Poster presentation at the Ohio Occupational Therapy Association state conference, Toledo, Ohio].