Magical Expression

Magical Expression
Cara Stanback

Cara Stanback, a double major in music and psychology, has first-hand knowledge about opportunities to get involved and express yourself on Hanover’s campus. Cara plans to use her education and experiences to guide events and help future couples create the wedding of their dreams. Hanover’s nurturing culture provides many avenues for students to grow into the best version of themselves. Students, like Cara, have so many opportunities to try classes, clubs and other activities to pursue their passions. And maybe even discover some things they did not even know they were capable of doing!

Majors: Music and Psychology
Year: Senior
Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana

Magical Expression

Exploring the Bluff

A Lending Hand

Partners along the Path

Urban Roots, Rural Calling

Still in the Game

Full Circle

Balancing Act

Welcome Home

Expanded Family